Category: Uncategorized
Come and Get It for NEW LPS Hires!
Sign the Petition by 7/15!
Stop by LEA from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Mon-Fri) to sign, drop off, or get petitions notarized!
Free Shredding Event!
On Saturday, June 8th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., you can come to our easy drive-through shredding event at the LEA’s east parking lot at 4920 Normal Blvd. The event is free, but we do accept free-will monetary donations to help us buy books for children through our Harvest of Books program. Thanks to our sponsor, First Nebraska Credit Union, for supporting this event with us.
Scholarship Apps- Due April 15th!
Election Results
2024 General Election Timeline
Follow this link:
to nominate yourself or someone else!
27th Annual Harvest of Books!
Even though the bookstore drive of HOB has concluded, we are still accepting monetary donations or donations of new books!
Sign the Petition!
Stop by our office hours (8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.) to sign. Please call ahead just to make sure someone is in the office!
Visit for more info!
Give to Lincoln Day!
Please consider donating to Harvest of Books on May 24th for Give to Lincoln Day!
Jan Mahlman Literacy Grant
The Jan Mahlman Literacy Grant is named for its benefactor, who taught first and second graders at Meadow Lane Elementary School for 35 years. Ms. Mahlman was a life member of the Lincoln Education Association and passionately supported the Harvest of Books program. Grants up to $1,000 are awarded for projects related to literacy preparation or literacy improvement in grades pre-kindergarten to grade 2. The projects could include but are not limited to preparation of classroom materials, enrichment courses, guest speakers, etc. Creative projects are preferred.
Applicants must be verified current members of the Lincoln Education Association with teaching assignments in Pre-Kindergarten to grade 2.
The application must be completed online or typewritten and received at the LEA office by 4:00 pm, January 16, 2023. Recipients will be notified by February 15, 2023. Recipients must send a short evaluation of the project’s success to the LEA office in the form of written report, portfolio, or video by the end of the school year.
The deadline for the Barbara Buckingham Patronsky Scholarship is November 15th!
Click the LEA Foundation tab to learn more!
Trunk or Treat this Saturday!
Check out LEA VP Mindy Diller!
Volunteers needed!
Register for NSEAU!
Thanks for Donating!
LEA Shredding Event Saturday:
9,141 lbs. shredded and $1,087.95 + another $50 (that was received right after) donated to the Harvest of Books!
Hot job well done.
New Leaders Elected
Congratulations to these newly-elected leaders for LEA!
New leaders will take office on May 24, 2021 just after the conclusion of this school year.
- Deb Rasmussen, President-Elect.
- Mindy Diller, Vice President-Elect.
- Megan Simsic, re-elected as an Elementary Representative to the LEA Board of Directors.
- Christine Foy, elected as a Senior High Representative to the LEA Board of Directors.
The following members were elected to represent LEA at the annual NSEA Delegate Assembly, to be held virtually April 23-24:
Shari Anderson, Gina Boltz, Jessica Brauer Echtenkamp, Jules Breitkreutz, Elizabeth Carranza-Rodriguez, JP Caruso, Carol Floth, Brittney Hodges-Bolkovac, Stephanie Howell, Jacob Jolliffe, April Jorgensen, Nora Lenz, Paula McClung, Jordan Muller, Emily Parker, Ross Pickel, Michael Regnier, Nuru Roach, Emma Schneider, Christine Schroeder, Andrew Seuferer, Megan Simsic, Megan Stock, Kristen Voss, William West, John-Paul Witt, Mary Woodard, and Jen Yoder.
The following members were elected to represent LEA at the annual NEA Representative Assembly, to be held virtually this summer:
Jenni Benson, Jen Yoder, Linda Freye, Gina Boltz, Megan Simsic, William West, Nora Lenz, John Heineman, Shari Anderson, Brad Hoffman, Christine Schroeder, Jessica Brauer Echtenkamp, Ed Aken, and Shelby Heithoff. Alternates: Michael Regnier, and Jacob Jolliffe.