Jan Mahlman Literacy Grant

The Jan Mahlman Literacy Grant is named for its benefactor, who taught first and second graders at Meadow Lane Elementary School for 35 years.  Ms. Mahlman was a life member of the Lincoln Education Association and passionately supported the Harvest of Books program. Grants up to $1,000 are awarded for projects related to literacy preparation or literacy improvement in grades pre-kindergarten to grade 2. The projects could include but are not limited to preparation of classroom materials, enrichment courses, guest speakers, etc. Creative projects are preferred.

Applicants must be verified current members of the Lincoln Education Association with teaching assignments in Pre-Kindergarten to grade 2.

The application must be completed online or typewritten and received at the LEA office by 4:00 pm, January 16, 2023. Recipients will be notified by February 15, 2023. Recipients must send a short evaluation of the project’s success to the LEA office in the form of written report, portfolio, or video by the end of the school year.


Click here for the application!