LEA Foundation Grants



The Jan Mahlman Literacy Grant is named for its benefactor, who taught first and second graders at Meadow Lane Elementary School for 35 years.  Ms. Mahlman was a life member of the Lincoln Education Association and passionately supported the Harvest of Books program. Grants up to $1,000 are awarded for projects related to literacy preparation or literacy improvement in grades pre-kindergarten to grade 2. The projects could include but are not limited to preparation of classroom materials, enrichment courses, guest speakers, etc. Creative projects are preferred.

Applicants must be verified current members of the Lincoln Education Association with teaching assignments in Pre-Kindergarten to grade 2.

The application must be completed online or typewritten and received at the LEA office by 4:00 pm, January 16, 2024. Recipients will be notified by February 15, 2024. Recipients must send a short evaluation of the project’s success to the LEA office in the form of written report, portfolio, or video by the end of the school year.

Jan Mahlman Literacy Grant Application (PDF)




PURPOSE: The Lincoln Education Association Foundation (LEAF) is offers up to four grants, per school year in the amount of $250 each for certificated professional members to use in their assignment for special projects, to provide assistance for speakers and field trips, and other creative endeavors. The LEA Grant is an LEA member funded program open to all active LEA certificated members.

AWARDING OF GRANTS: Two grants each semester (one elementary and one secondary) may be offered. The grants must be used within one complete semester after the awarding of the grant. For example, if the grant was awarded in March, 2023, the recipient would have until January, 2024, to use the award for the intended purpose of the application. By January the recipient must complete a report, including pictures or artifacts showing the use of the funds. If the project is not completed, the recipient must return the $250 to the LEA Foundation.

ELIGIBILITY: In order to be eligible for designation as an LEA Certificated Professional Grant applicant, a person must:

  1. Be an LEA member (certificated)
  2. Not have been a LEA Grant recipient the previous year
  3. Meet all application requirements including a statement of intent
  4. Agree to submit a summary of accomplishments or activities stating how the grant was used to LEAF. If a summary of accomplishments or activities is not submitted, the recipient must return the $250 to the LEAF.

The completed application may be sent to:
LEAF Certificated Professional Grant Committee, 4920 Normal Blvd., Lincoln, NE 68506 or through School Mail, LEAF Certificated Professional Grant Committee, LEA Office (no address or box # needed) or by e-mail to emily.sears@nsea.org .

APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 15 and April 15

Applications may be obtained from links below.
Certified Professional Grant Application (PDF)
Certified Professional Grant Information (PDF)




PURPOSE: The LEA Foundation (LEAF) was established to support members of the Lincoln Education Association through distribution of scholarships to current members and future teachers. LEAF also was established to provide philanthropic support to members in catastrophic need.

With our members’ support and fundraising efforts, we are able to offer monetary support on an application basis to aid members who are facing a catastrophic situation.

Applications will be reviewed and awarded by a committee of LEAF Board members and a determination of need will be made.

USE OF THE ASSISTANCE: We understand that many members incur financial hardship. Due to the fact LEAF has limited funds, monies will only be granted in case of true catastrophic events. Examples may include devastating illness causing financial hardship, devastating house fire, or death of a partner or child.

ELIGIBILITY: In order to apply for LEA Foundation Catastrophic Assistance Grant:

  1. The nominee must be an LEA member (certificated or classified).
  2. Another LEA member may nominate the LEA member for assistance. The LEA member may self-nominate.
  3. The nominator must complete the statement of need describing the nominee’s situation and how the assistance will help.

Applications are reviewed on an as needed basis. All applications are treated with strictest confidentiality. 

The completed application may be sent to:
LEAF Catastrophic Assistance Committee, 4920 Normal Blvd., Lincoln, NE 68506 or through School Mail, LEAF Catastrophic Assistance Committee, LEA Office (no box # needed) or by e-mail to emily.sears@nsea.org .

Applications may be obtained from links below.
Catastrophic Assistance Grant Application (PDF)
Catastrophic Assistance Grant Information (PDF)