Join LEA

The Lincoln Education Association is the professional association that exclusively represents and works for educators in Lincoln.  Your days will be filled with the endless lists of priorities that crowd every education professional’s life. Your LEA exists to make your professional life easier and better.  While you attend to your important mission, we attend to the other issues that will make a difference to you.

Your passion plays out every day in your building:  our passion is bringing you peace of mind, standing behind you, and advocating for your needs every single day. Please join your colleagues who have already discovered the benefits of membership in the Lincoln Education Association.  I recommend that you take a moment to review the benefits of participating in your professional association. Scroll down to learn more!


Deb Rasmussen, President
Lincoln Education Association

Established in 1921, the Lincoln Education Association has over 2,000 active and retired members. We are the recognized bargaining agent for certificated staff in the Lincoln Public Schools in Lincoln, Nebraska. LEA is the local affiliate of the Nebraska State Education Association and the National Education Association.

Why Join? Because you are a professional.

LEA works to improve the quality of public education and the status of those professionals who dedicate their lives to the education of children.

By the Book with LEA…
Facts worth knowing

  • as a new hire,
  • as a Lincoln Educator and,
  • about your Professional Association.

By the Book (PDF)

Are you a Coach?

Be Safe. Cover All Your Bases. Nebraska Coaches Association Executive Director, Darin Boysen states the following regarding dual membership in NSEA and NCA. “When a coach has membership in both the NCA and the NSEA, he or she has created an educated and winning team.”

NSEA & NCA Flyer (PDF)


What has LEA Done for You?

Just look at how the LEA supports you:

  • Job Security and Employment Protection
  • Working Conditions
  • Impacting State and National Affiliates
  • Political Involvement
  • Member Benefits
  • Community Outreach

LEA Flyer (PDF)

The Lincoln Education Association Political Action Fund (LEA-PAC) is the Political Voice of Lincoln’s Professional Educators…

Did you know that NO dues dollars go towards LEA’s political purposes?The LEA Political Action Fund was created so that we, as professional educators have a voice that’s heard!


NSEA Member Benefit Programs

NEA Member Benefit Programs

Note regarding membership

Those wishing to drop their membership (for the next school year 24′-25′) for reasons such as retirement, leave of absence, leaving the district, desire to no longer be a member or any other reason, should send an email to LEA President Deb Rasmussen at  between May 1st and May 31st, 2024. Membership drops  take effect the following school year. Failure to resign via email to Deb between May 1 and May 31 results in continuing membership through the following school year.